Wednesday, October 13, 2021


A couple months back, I got some Collect-n-Connect Lobo pieces to @Lawfool85 on Twitter; and got a couple pieces I already had in exchange: the weapons for the Gladiator Hulk BaF, and a spare Sentry head. Which I wanted just because Kurt teleported the head off of one, then kept it for hacking purposes, as well as this nonsense from Twitter:
(Which, aside from being our usual brand of nonsense, is also a callback to Uncanny X-Men #149, one of the first Nightcrawler comics I remember reading!)

Then, at the Lilac City Comicon, I bought most of a Sentry for ten bucks. All I needed was a leg from eBay, and the Kree forces have almost doubled! I'm not sure he's the most in-demand Build-a-Figure, but why not?

Since we've got the Sentries out, we also have the leather jacket Captain Marvel figure, from what feels like the proverbial hundred years ago but was just early 2019, and weirdly, so was Everett Ross!

1 comment:

  1. "Call" as in CallBACK to Wade & Kurt's X-Cellent Space Adventures, yeah...
    You know could do another skit just of the wacky hijinks of those Sentries.

    Makes we wish I'd bothered to complete one myself now that I see them completed...
