Thursday, February 17, 2022

Ooh, I was a page off there.

I mentioned last week the Demons entry from 1983's Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #3, first series; but I slipped up! I thought Erishkigel was in there...
...but she was on the next page, since she was a Deviant! I thought she had passed herself off as a demon or devil here and there, and she might have. Erishkigel also appeared in another book I've been meaning to blog forever--about twelve years! Maybe I'll finally blog it if I ever get that friggin' Quasar figure...I don't think I've read the Thor issue she first appeared in, though.

Mark Gruenwald is credited as head writer--and editor and designer! And it's Dave Simons on the Demons, Paul Smith for Destiny, and Mike Mignola on the Deviants! The cover was the massive interlocking Ed Hannigan piece, with Daredevil and Doctor Strange front and center, pushing Cyclops and Colossus to the back cover! They halfassed the Dracula shot, though.

1 comment:

  1. That is some SERIOUS dedication to your procrastination there man. Props, haha.

    Idk, you might be collecting social security by the time that Quasar figure comes out at this rate.
