Thursday, March 17, 2022
Oh, guarantee this guy's got a podcast.
I'm used to classic secret identity stories, where the hero has to pretend to be cowardly or incompetent, in order to duck out and change costumes. The cover makes it seem like Batman throws his most trusted friend under the bus, but it's more like Bruce pretending to be disinterested in everything. From 1976, Detective Comics #459, "A Clue Before Dying!" Written by Martin Pasko, art by
José Luis García-López.
In theory, all the clues are there, you the reader could figure it out like Batman. Full disclosure, I didn't; but one of the clues is an "odd smell," so good luck. An author has a party for the forthcoming release of his new book, a non-fiction account of the "Dreamhouse Murder," which he's been working on in said dreamhouse. Several people stay over, including Bruce Wayne and Alfred, but when the author is shot dead one witness claims she saw a bald man flee the scene--and Alfred was the only bald guy there! Bruce pretends to not be interested in either the murder or what happens to Alfred, so he can come back as Batman to work the case. Also: the author is shot with his own gun, a silenced revolver; and you can't really do that!
Also this issue: a Man-Bat story, "Scream of the Gargoyle!" Written by Marty Pasko, art by Pablo Marcos. In a creepy cathedral moved stone-by-stone from Europe--who keeps moving those damn things? Man-Bat has to fight Dr. Thanatogenos to save himself and his wife from being turned into gargoyles. The bad doctor had thought they had "mystic energy," the thought of which creeps Kirk out.
And another tiny-print Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation; actual number of copies sold nearest to filing date: 386,697. At least that's what the GCD said, I didn't put my glasses on for that...
With a line like "...because the police were too dumb to decipher the clues." he'd be lock for any True Crime podcast worth or not worth its salt.