Monday, August 07, 2023

So I don't start work until tomorrow, but I'm home from vacation, and it was a lot of fun! Got some biking in and a lot of reading: the latest Stephen King--Fairy Tale, which may or may not be his latest, the way he writes--some Haruki Murakami, several Star Trek paperbacks, the somewhat unnecessary sequel to Joe Haldeman's the Forever War, Forever Peace. Didn't read enough comics, though.
I plowed through the Showcase: War that Time Forgot, which actually took me a while: it's more than a bit formulaic. Every time some soldier throws a "pineapple," drink! But that's OK: Robert Kanigher hit a formula that worked, and kept at it. These weren't intended to be collected, there's barely any continuity in the stories. There may be more continued stories in the Young Love collection; which I didn't find a listing for on Amazon right now; which is partially why I bought it. It was on sale, and who knows when I'd ever see something like that again; but it's more of a historical curiosity for me, so it's slow going as well. Although, the plots have mildly surprised me twice so far: one story where the heroine realizes her doctor love-interest wasn't going to work out, and moves on; and one extra-bonkers one where a girl refuses to let a friend steal her man, even if she has to pull him out of a car wreck to prove herself...! There's a ton of John Romita art in YL, I'm not sure if I've even got that far yet.

At a glance: the WTTF stories collected here were from 1960-66, and the Young Love stories were from 1963-66, so they were probably on the racks at the same time! 


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

I noticed DC would later come out with a modern day retelling/reboot (?) of The War That Time Forgot written by Bruce Jones. Have you ever seen that version and was it any good if you did?

My guess right off the bat? Probably not as good as the original, but nostalgia does seem to help make the 1st one more appealing overall doesn't it?

googum said...

I don't think I have: I wanna say Jones did that Warlord reboot about the same time. That had some ideas but wasn't executed great...

I also think Dinosaur Island has been tied to the Losers and the Superman books in the last couple of years. It might be becoming like the Savage Land, a recurring location for whenever the writers want dinosaurs. "Another mission to WTF Island?" "I don't think they call it that."

Mr. Morbid said...

Honestly I wouldn’t be mad or surprised if Dinosaur Island became DC’s Savage Land. Plus the name “Dinosaur Island “ pretty much lets you know what you’re in store for.

H said...

I know they used Dinosaur Island in the original Weird War Tales in the 80's, towards the end of the run. A bunch of the other recurring characters, like GI Robot and Creature Commandos, had stories there in addition to the single-story character adventures.

Something interesting about Young Love that I found out a while ago- Kirby and Simon started it for another company, and then DC bought it around the time of these stories. Yeah, Jack Kirby and Joe Simon basically invented the romance comic- who'da thunk it?