Wednesday, September 11, 2024


We're spending a bit of time here talking up the Totally Awesome Hulk, to maybe cover the fact I'm not positive I've read a comic with him--or at least, with Amadeus as the TAH, since I read a lot of Incredible Hercules here or there. That and while we've had them appear here multiple times, I don't think I've read Champions, either! One of Ms. Marvel's best lines, in her own series, is "good isn't something you are, it's something you do," which is great, but I feel like the Champions get hung up a bit on appearances, setting a good example, and such. I don't think the usual Champions are going to show up this plotline, though. 


Mr. Morbid said...

Oh nice. I legit thought you’d moved on from this & would keep doing Death’s Head skits. Is that done now?
Soooo, Amadeus Cho now eh? Hey he needs love too. Curious how you’ll portray him here.

H said...

Were they the ones where everyone was gay? There are a lot of teenage superhero groups reusing old names so it’s hard to keep track. I was honestly expecting Sat to ask if they were the ones with the bee-guy enemy.

It’s strange for me to have read more of a Marvel book than you but I actually read an issue of TAH. Pretty standard stuff as far as I could tell but like I said, I don’t read a whole lot of Marvel anyway.