Wednesday, September 18, 2024


How do those TempPads wipe memories...? Uh, time stuff maybe. Anyway.


Mr. Morbid said...

I’m sure this kinda explains now (to a point anyways) why Aron’s such a bastard.

I would definitely like to have a couple things mind wiped myself, and no doubt there’s more than a good amount of people who would also love a crack at that type pad action. You?

googum said...

I think I was wondering: in the right situation, would Doctor Who mindwipe a companion? To maybe spare them pain they couldn't do anything about; maybe. Would Death's Head mindwipe a companion? If they were being loud or annoying, uh, yes.

H said...

I would guess it has something to do with infrared waves- that thing looks a lot like a Nintendo DS, and that’s how they communicated when they couldn’t use Wi-Fi.

Anonymous said...

The 10th Doctor did. He mindwiped his longtime companion Donna,