Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Gwenpool! Yes, Gwenpool was always intended to show for the wrap-up of "Seasonal Affective D'spayre," but since this went on (and on...) we didn't get to here, until after the new Gwenpool series was announced. That was after the teaser, of the dug-up grave of Gwen Stacy; who appears to have returned as a Wolverine-like killer. I don't know why either. This could just be for shock value, or maybe they're going somewhere with this. Spider-Man guest-stars, and I'm not sure fans are loving the current run of books there either. Then again, Jeff the Land Shark guests too, and everybody loves him from the Marvel Rivals game, if not just because. 

 We've seen that one cop before too: it's the Joseph Gordon-Levitt Mattel Movie Masters GCPD Blake figure. Who seems to get jerkier every time he shows up here. Huh.
Man, I haven't seen the Exorcist in a bit. But, like Gwen says, I don't have an exterior shot for the bar!


  1. So, the solution is to make things worse? I’m sorry, I just don’t see how Gwen can fix this. If anything, her genre-savviness and ‘our world’ origins make her more likely to get caught up in D’Spayre.

    No space guy?! Was Deep Six busy or something (I know he’s a diver guy but the Buzz Lightyear thing is too easy to pass up).

    Also- D’Spayre can affect physical objects and communicate with people who can’t see him now? Maybe Gwen should have done a Poltergeist reference instead, or just call the Ghostbusters- they can handle that stuff.

    1. Mr. Morbid4:04 PM

      I’m guessing he chose Gwenpool because her 4th wall/reality-based powers will essentially cancel out whatever it is D’yspare’s doing. At least I think that’s the plan.

      There’s not a lot of Space-specific Joes on the team. I personally know of only one, Countdown, because as a kid i used to own him & his giant space shuttle. Not sure if they’ve updated their roster since.

  2. Mr. Morbid3:58 PM

    Gwenpool huh? Seems so obvious now that you’ve brought her in. Like a total “DUH!” thing. Here’s hoping she’s able to make it out of this relatively unscathed, but the cost will be making a lifelong enemy out of D’yspare. Oh well, that’s the risk superheroes take.

    LOVE the banter between Gen. Hawk & Officer “Robin.” Not sure what his in-story reason for progressively getting dickier per subsequent appearance is, but I’m thinking he’s overworked AF since his Batman has chosen to stay retired. Just a thought.

  3. I am curious to see how Gwen handles this. Is D'Spayre 4th-rate enough she can dump him into the gutters between panels and have it stick? I mean, as long as Nightmare's around, D'Spayre really is kind of unnecessary. . .

    Also surprised Satana's putting up with that cop's lip. Just dump him into Hell, it'll feel like home to a Gotham cop, anyway.

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      Ha! That last part is definitely dead on!

    2. Maybe Kurt’s good guy nature is affecting her, like how couples sometimes share traits after being together a while.

      I don’t think goo has gutters, but maybe she could put him in the extra panel that shows up sometimes. I don’t remember if she’s acknowledged that this is a comic here yet.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      You’re right, he probably is a good influence on her. They really are good solid example for all aspiring couples, especially considering she’s Satan’s daughter dating a catholic/religious swashbuckler who looks like a demon.
