In the course of this issue, Superman gets asskicked and dumped in the ocean, Flash gets taken out, Green Lantern tags out to stay with his buddy Flash in case this is "the end," Batman seriously doubts in his own abilities; and while I don't have the issue in front of me, I would bet a quarter that Red Tornado gets smacked around a little. It's his job.
Wonder Woman is the only Justice Leaguer in this issue to be consistently competent, heroic, and clear-headed. She shows concern without completely wigging out, and saves Superman here...actually, now that I think about it, it's not like he'd drown, is it? At this point, Supes is either dead or he's not, right? Well, this is probably why I'm not an EMT or anything.
Also, the invisible jet just seems...right, in this panel. Like Diana shouldn't have to fly around under her own power, like that would be beneath her. Maybe. Maybe not, though.
(Having serious photo-posting issues the last day or so. And now that I look at the panel today, it's a bit low-res, but I need to see if anything works...so it'll probably post six times.)
(Edit: The issue was Justice League of America #170, "While a World Lies Burning!" Written by Gerry Conway, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Frank McLaughlin. And I did manage to get this posted six times this afternoon...suck. More nonsense shortly!)
So... what you're saying is Diana used to be the secretary? I think I maybe if I had another post about it, it would sink in.
I don't know Jake, it takes me about 10 tens to make it really work.
Gah. This is what happens when you click things like a chimpanzee. All of that, and the photo's a bit crap too.
I'm going to go swear into my hat for a bit...
This is what happens when you click things like a chimpanzee.
Great line and very funny.
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