Since I'm going out of my way to avoid spoilers for the Dark Knight, I'm not sure if the movie has the Joker's origin or if they just hit the ground running. So, I don't even know if that's makeup, or if whatever happened to him is a bit spotchier than it is in the comics. All I'm positive of is, there is no way on God's green hell that the Joker should ever get laid again. Harley Quinn included, no matter how insane she is. Green. Pubes. And that's probably not the worst thing in that picture. Blech.
Anyway, have a good weekend!
The green playing field aside, those are some CREEPY-looking toys. Those probably would've given me nightmares as a kid -- and I'd probably never eat Cheerios again.
You are a braver man than I, Googam, actually EATING Cheerios, for God's sake!
Stick to Rice Krispies.
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