A lucky break: at one of the closed Hastings locations, a store called "EntertainMart" opened up; with a layout and merchandise pretty similar to the old Hastings. I don't know if it's part of a chain or its own thing, but it'll be somewhere to check out for cheap books. I went through some back issue bins for as long as the Wife would wait, and got today's book on the cheap: from 1968, Action Comics #365, "Superman's Funeral!" Written by Leo Dorfman, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito.

This was about the fourth chapter in this storyline, although spaced out in 12-page installments a month, since the rest of the issue is a Supergirl story. Lex Luthor infected Supes with a strain of Kryptonian leprosy, and Superman's body is being launched into "Flammbron, the hottest sun in the universe." While he's still alive! Partly because there's no cure for his condition, and partly to keep him from infecting the rest of the universe. Still, Superman's "space-bier" rocket coffin is taking the scenic route to Flammbron, passing planets like Knorr, Lexor, and Bizarro World. The Avians of Knorr mark the occasion with an hour blindfolded, to symbolize their darkest hour. (They're still wandering around gamely, though; so it seems like a party game. Maybe to cheer them up.) Although Lex's girl Ardora stands by her man, the rest of Lexor turns on Luthor...and science, which doesn't seem like a great idea. And the Bizarros celebrate by throwing red and white Kryptonite at Superman, because dying is fun!

Most of this story is flashback, as Superman's recalls his life. Supergirl brings his three big loves, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Lori Lemaris; out to see him off; and the issue ends with Supes about to plunge into a sun a thousand times times hotter than a normal one! The next issue blurb points out there is a clue here how Superman would get out of this, if you know your pre-Crisis continuity. Oddly, checking it on the GCD, this has never been reprinted in the U.S. I would've thought five 12-page chapters would make a good chunk of a digest or special or something.
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