I swear this used to come up in old DC comics more often: aliens at war, who would decide that the best way to deal with other aliens would be to launch an entire planet at them. If said planet-to-be-launched is inhabited, so much the better! And it's usually earth. I don't know why. Maybe it's just so throwable. That was the plan in Showcase #100, I could've sworn it was part of the plot in Justice League: Starcrossed, but it comes up in today's book! From 1982, Green Lantern #156, "Judas World!" Written by Mike W. Barr, art by "premiere GL artist" Gil Kane!

The aliens this month plan on using earth as the weapon to destroy the other aliens they're fighting, but they've taken a couple of extra steps: first, disguising themselves as earthlings, the better to infiltrate and plant their planet-moving apparatus. OK, makes sense. I'm not sure why they had to rearrange their planet so the continents looked like earth, though. In fact, that attracts Green Lantern, mostly because at this time, the Guardians had told him to patrol the rest of Sector 2814 and leave earth.
Huh, the aliens had Carol Ferris and Pieface lookalikes...for some reason. With the help of one that opposes the plan, Hal is able to gather up the aliens, and force them into a peace conference with their enemies, who were themselves preparing a friendly little number they called "genocide gas." Hal disposes of that and the planet-moving apparatus, then tells the leaders of both worlds maybe they should fight it out with knives and clubs. A very Star Trek response, but it would've been hilarious if they had taken him up on it. Luckily, like many alien wars, it had gone on long enough that they no longer knew what it had been about, and are amenable to peace. Hal tells them he'll be keeping an eye on them, and stop copying earth, okay?

Yeah, I'm sure re-arranging your continents was a big undertaking, but put 'em back.
1 comment:
Oh Hal.
Seriously though, wouldn't it just be simpler to hurl an asteroid or something? There are TONS of those floating around!
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