I have a ton of limited series missing a single issue. I could probably find another example or two over the years, but I don't often fill in the gaps. Today we do! We glanced at the rest last year, but now we've got 2010's Doomwar #2, written by Jonathan Maberry, pencils by Scot Eaton, inks by Andy Lanning and Robert Campanella. We now join Dr. Doom's takeover of Wakanda, already in progress.

Because it's not like Dr. Doom is going to get killed in this thing, current Black Panther Shuri and currently deposed king T'Challa get to go to murdertown on the Desturi high council: I don't think the Desturi were necessarily collaborators with Doom as much as tribal rivals of T'Challa, but going against the crown is frowned open there. Nightcrawler is somewhat dismayed at the carnage, but keeps his game face on to teleport T'Challa to the vibranium vault; yet they are blocked by Doom. In said vault, Doom is holding a gun on T'Challa's mother's head, but in a perfunctory manner: although Storm is defiant, Doom feels like he's seen all of T'Challa's moves and has already won.
As Shuri continues slaughtering her enemies, Nightcrawler questions her a second time: later, he asks if she wants her regime to be only known for bloodletting. Shuri tells him it couldn't be any other way: Wakanda has had to fight like hell for everything it has, like a panther. Doom faces the vault's final lock, which proclaims "Only through purity unencumbered by pretense may you pass." Storm doesn't think Doom's ever getting through that one, and when T'Challa arrives to confront Doom, Doom orders him to open the vault or Storm dies.

Doom gets a chuckle out of T'Challa's refusal, and releases Storm: he's already emptied the vault.
This was prior to Nightcrawler getting killed off, and while I feel like he has more to do here than any of the X-books of the time; I think it was part of a long stretch where his suggestions were usually reasonable but always unheeded. This issue is also probably the exact moment T'Challa and Storm's marriage collapsed; I don't know if Doom ever faced any consequences for that. It might be fun if Doom, as the Insufferable Iron Man or whatever he is now, had to fend off Storm finally looking to complete her vow to kill him.
1 comment:
Storm vowed to kill Dr. Doom? Huh. Yeah that one's going to be forgotten and swept away into the distant past. It'd be cool if she did try to follow through though. Nice art tho. Scott Eaton really evolved past his older cruder work.
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