Getting ready for a move, I've made multiple trips to EntertainMart for long boxes, which was usually slightly hindered by picking up a ton of books along with said boxes. I may have cleared out the dollar books for the time being, though, since last trip I only got two! An old Daredevil I might have to read next, and today's book! From 1979, Uncle Scrooge #170, which appears to be mostly a reprint of 1968's Uncle Scrooge #78, featuring "I.O.U. ...But Who?" and "The Fickle Fortune-Finder" Written by Vic Lockman (maybe), pencils by Tony Strobl, inks by Steve Steere.

I had grabbed some classic Uncle Scrooge reprints from another quarter bin recently; and offhand I think Scrooge was much, much less of a greedy bastard than he is in today's stories. That was a pretty integral part of his character, true; but I don't think you should double down on him being a dick in the same issue. Granted, whenever Scrooge is really terrible it always comes back to bite him in the ass, in a way I desperately wish would happen in real life but doesn't. In "I.O.U. ...But Who?" Scrooge is in his money bin, admiring the first dollar he ever made, when he notices a faded I.O.U. attached to it. Unable to read who owed him the money, he checks his records and guesses it was probably his first partner, Sourdough Sam, and treks to the Arctic Circle to collect. Only, the I.O.U. wasn't Sam's, and Sam has his own I.O.U. from Scrooge, for the loan of a sled dog! This goes on, as Scrooge throws a lot of money at collecting that debt and the whole thing just made me anxious.

In "The Fickle Fortune-Finder" Scrooge uses a new gadget to discover unclaimed riches in Africa, and races to cash in ahead of any competitors. I'm not sure that's a great look...Also, any story with Scrooge cornering the "gorilla market" should be more fun. Well, can't win 'em all. Still, this issue had a Hostess ad I'd never seen before!

1 comment:
I watched a little of the new DuckTales reboot. Don't care for the simple animation style but at least they kept the old classic theme song.
As for the Hostess Ad, you'd think Reed would REALLY like to know how that chick was able to successfully replicate the 4's trip through cosmic rays more than once right? All those imposter Torch's flying around and you can't tell me Doom's not behind it somehow.
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