Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Orchis is a relatively recent addition to the X-books; a more organized anti-mutant front than had been seen for some time, since maybe the Project: Wideawake days? The group's made up of racist scum, and it is appallingly gratifying to watch them get murdered. Like, zero sympathy. 

I believe Callisto got the respawn treatment in Marauders #17, and I would assume she would come back with both eyes, but I'm not sure. I also don't know about springing for a cobalt bomb; somebody would build a cult around it.
Oh, and while one of Callisto's mutants probably looks familiar, the other is Bloodhound from Apex Legends; and so is Caustic, our Orchis d-bag. We've seen the Pathfinder figures some time back, and while Jakks does seem to do a lot of reskin/repaints, they've quietly got to six little series of interesting figures that scale pretty well with Legends.


H said...

Yeah, that’s King Beefsteak- something like that, right? Did he even get a name in DKR or was that just in main continuity? I’ve never been able to get through more than a page or two of DKR without giving up on it.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Turning Ch'od into a better & more personable Arms Dealer than Nic Cage from Lord of War is certainly a personal highlight of mine character arc-wise this year on this blog. How can you NOT like this guy? Even if he's easily selling weapons of mass destruction to your favorite usual suspects of organized evil?

Can't wait to see how this ends, even the journey's certainly been an entertaining one.

Orchis for me, really is one of the better & most effectively ruthless evil, Anti-mutant human groups that's come around in the entirety of the X-Men's long history. Definitely feels like something Claremont would've created had he still be writing the book. Although I don't see him having ever conceived of using Krakoa the way it has, or the whole mutant hippy commune idea. Of course I could be wrong, because he certainly had/has some pretty out there unused plans for the X-Men, so who knows.