Thursday, September 07, 2023

How tough could he be? He's just a repaint.

My apologies if I'm mis-remembering, but I swear in the pre-Disney, Dark Horse/"Expanded Universe" era of Star Wars stuff, Chewbacca was pretty firmly established as a bad ass: the toughest of the tough, the epitome of Wookies. Marvel seemed to take the tack, what if Chewie isn't the uber-Wookie, what if he's basically just a Wookie guy? And Krrsantan is like Wookie special forces? Yeah, I don't buy it either, but I swear that's what they were trying for. From 2022, Star Wars: Han Solo & Chewbacca #4, "The Crystal Run, part 4" Written by Marc Guggenheim, art by David Messina.
Han and Chewie are trying to recover a Macguffin for Jabba the Hutt--an urn allegedly containing a rival's ashes, which seems dubious--alongside Corbus, a geezer claiming to be Han's long-lost father. Dude was shifty. Bounty hunter Krrsantan escapes with the captured Han; in what I thought was one of those Razor Crests, but nope! It's his personal Auzituck anti-slaver gunship. Ah, Star Wars continuity.
Chewie plants a bug on the Auzituck and gives chase in the Falcon, with the injured Corbus; then storms the bad guy's palace alone to rescue Han. Most of the hired help rightfully decide they weren't getting paid enough to get dismembered by a Wookie and bail, bringing up "a Wookie death-duel!" The fight doesn't go the distance, since Chewie takes the seemingly less-than-honorable tactic of pulling a thermal grenade out of his Wookie-purse, along with Han's beloved blaster. They fight their way out, only to discover the Falcon was gone! I have to ask: how stealable was the Falcon? Corbus very likely could hotwire that thing, but even relatively early in the continuity it still seems like that ship had to be handled just so, or it would stall out...

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

That feels like that should be like an automatic diss when facing off against a clone or knock-off of a character; "Why am I fighting a repaint of myself/Why am I fighting this repaint?"