Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Plotwise, I kind of know where this is going to end, but it's still open enough for things to surprise me. I don't know if I had more planned for Hallow's Eve and Chasm right now: they might have been derailed by the last week of work! The TMNT Jack Kirby gets to make an appearance, because I really liked him flanked by Crystal and Sersi in the year-ender post. And Doc Samson came up before in this storyline, when Kurt mentions him to Moonstone, back in October

I know in regular Marvel continuity, he's a big green Sasquatch now, and...I don't see it? This might be me overlaying Frasier on top of him, but I see Samson as maybe being a bit fussy and fastidious, approaching snooty. He maybe thought becoming a gamma-powered he-man would change that, and maybe it did for a bit, but old habits...He probably overcorrected when he realized the amount of control he would have to maintain on his strength. That and Samson would never, ever allow himself to agree with someone like Moonstone, even if she was in the right on this one.

I really wanted to use the phrase "pardon my back" in the panel where Doc Samson moves to leave, since I remember it from an old Hulk comic! But it wasn't from Samson: Bruce says it to Samantha Parrington, after the Hulk/Valkyrie fight fizzes out, in Incredible Hulk #142, which was collected in a paperback.  


Mr. Morbid said...

I can definitely see Doc Samson acting like Fraiser. Honestly why they haven’t already I’ll never know since it just seems like such an obvious choice.

You really committed to the Multiple Man bit by buying multiples huh? They could’ve made it easier by making him a 2- or even a 3-pack, but then that’s not very capitalistic is it. Kudos to you on being able to fit all those figures in the shot. Hopefully you didn’t need a permit for all that plastic 😏

H said...

I think it’s because Beast is already Frasier (or he usually is). Doc is (at least here- I don’t keep up with most of these characters) a bit of a grumpy jerk.

I think I see where things are going now, and it’s as good a way to end this whole thing as any. Depending on if we’re on Marvel Time or not, there are a couple of other options available too.

Anonymous said...

Well he kind of literally is considering the actor who plays Fraiser is the beast, but point.