Friday, March 07, 2025

I feel like this was like the third, fourth time they tried a team with Daimon on it.

That might be because I'm the only one that remembers that Fantastic Four Annual with him, Margali Szardos, and "Mechamage." Here's hoping this issue's better! From 2011, Chaos War: God Squad #1, "Gods & Monsters" Written by Marc Sumerak, art by Dan Panosian.
This was from the Chaos War crossover, which seems absolutely dainty compared to War of the Realms, which appeared to have more crossovers in one month than the entirety of Chaos War! Here, the God Squad teams-up against Chaos King Amatsu-Mikaboshi, and I sadly don't know enough about Shinto mythology to say if this was based on something like Thor and Hercules were, or if he was made up whole-cloth. But, your 2011 God Squad starting line-up: along with Daimon Hellstrom, we get the Silver Surfer, Sersi, and Venus. The latter of whom points out, she wasn't a real god; which I can't remember if Venus was supposed to know or not: she's described as a "sea siren turned love goddess." But, as they journey to find any remaining gods of the far east, they are joined by a legit god: the Panther God of Wakanda! (What, no Khonshu? I don't think he was usually considered 'real' at that time like Thor and Hercules, but I didn't know the Panther God was.)
There are a few fun sound effects, but this isn't real essential, even for the crossover: I had to look up the Incredible Hercules, since I thought Chaos War predated it, but no.

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid said...

Could just be me, but it feels like there a shit ton of spin-offs from the main event, with this being one of them. Maybe one day I’ll set aside time to read them all. Love seeing Dan Panosian’s name & work show up as I’ve been fan of his since the 90’s.