Friday, March 07, 2025
I feel like this was like the third, fourth time they tried a team with Daimon on it.
That might be because I'm the only one that remembers that Fantastic Four Annual with him, Margali Szardos, and "Mechamage." Here's hoping this issue's better! From 2011, Chaos War: God Squad #1, "Gods & Monsters" Written by Marc Sumerak, art by Dan Panosian.
This was from the Chaos War crossover, which seems absolutely dainty compared to War of the Realms, which appeared to have more crossovers in one month than the entirety of Chaos War! Here, the God Squad teams-up against Chaos King Amatsu-Mikaboshi, and I sadly don't know enough about Shinto mythology to say if this was based on something like Thor and Hercules were, or if he was made up whole-cloth. But, your 2011 God Squad starting line-up: along with Daimon Hellstrom, we get the Silver Surfer, Sersi, and Venus. The latter of whom points out, she wasn't a real god; which I can't remember if Venus was supposed to know or not: she's described as a "sea siren turned love goddess." But, as they journey to find any remaining gods of the far east, they are joined by a legit god: the Panther God of Wakanda! (What, no Khonshu? I don't think he was usually considered 'real' at that time like Thor and Hercules, but I didn't know the Panther God was.)
There are a few fun sound effects, but this isn't real essential, even for the crossover: I had to look up the Incredible Hercules, since I thought Chaos War predated it, but no.
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crossover debris,
Silver Surfer,
Son of Satan,
Thursday, March 06, 2025
I'm not a big Cable guy, but this cover grabbed me: from 2001, Cable #96, "I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago" Written by Robert Weinberg, pencils by Matthew Ryan, inks by
Ted Pertzborn and Harry Candelario.
Cable looked older than dirt back when Liefeld drew him, didn't he? Then he maybe got a bit younger looking when Greg Capullo was on X-Force; and by this issue Cable looked like a strapping 23-year with a full head of white hair. Riding a motorcycle that looks like an Akira homage, Cable stops at a roadside diner that promises "the best sandwich in the world," served by a winsome young waitress. Surprisingly, the sandwich is damn good, and on the house; as the cook wants to arm-wrestle him. Said cook, Cole, is odd-looking, stout and thick; and Nate can tell he wasn't human. More surprisingly, he wasn't a mutant, either.
After losing the match, Cole admits he hadn't lost one recently, like the last three thousand years. He had a business proposition for Cable, already trusting him: Cole was a Neanderthal, born about 30,000 years ago. He had been a hunter, with a family, before he was abducted by Lemurian scientists, who used him and two other cavemen in an experiment to slow aging. While it worked, the scientists would never know, as right about then Lemuria sank: the three cavemen survived, although Cole went his separate ways since he never liked them. He never found his family, and quietly lived through history, although he did fight in both World Wars. Cole eventually moved out west for some peace and quiet, but the other two cavemen caught up to him and looted his treasure stash; and he needed some help to get it back. Of course Cable helps him out, maybe with a little lesson at the end.
This was the last issue before a shake-up on the book: next month would be the start of Igor Kordej's run.
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Wednesday, March 05, 2025
We started "Seasonal Affective D'spayre" back in October; I don't think the despair has let up in the slightest, but here we are. Personally, I often wonder if I have depression, or just everything just suck? Like, I don't have depression, I've got late-stage capitalism.
Tony refers to the "get-along shirt" Gwen put him and Captain America in, in Gwenpool Strikes Back! #5: I thought he was more put-out about it, but he seemed to have a sense of humor about the whole thing, like enjoying seeing other people like the Hulk punched in the face. (Steve does not see the humor in any of Gwen's shenanigans there!) (Written by Leah Williams, art by David Baldeon, color art by Jesus Aburtov & Guru-eFX.) Gwenpool is crazy powerful that whole series, as well as a bit crazy because she thinks her story was coming to an end. Nope! You may notice, though, her figure doesn't have her usual phone, since I dropped it on the second shot and have yet to find it again...
Next week, um, we conclude the She-Hulk/Hawkeye storyline from last September! Which I interrupted because I was more interested in the D'spayre one. But, H noticed something about Amadeus Cho, that will come up next week...
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homemade posts,
Iron Man,
Tuesday, March 04, 2025
2019 was hardly the best of times either; but I don't know how I missed all of this.
It took a spot of digging, but I got all of this series, the Omega issue, and the Daredevil-lead War Scrolls from the dollar bins. There were like 21 tie-in issues for this month's issue alone; and I don't think I read any of them at the time! From 2019, War of the Realms #5, "The World Tree is Burning" Written by Jason Aaron, art by Russell Dauterman.
Along with being a traditional big ol' crossover event, I think this was maybe Aaron and Dauterman's swan song to cap off their Thor run. (Looking at Aaron's last collection, there was maybe some King Thor after that.) The Dark Elf Malekith and his forces had torn through the Ten Realms and established beachheads all over earth: he had a few familiar allies, like Ulik, the Enchantress, and Loki's father Laufey. Laufey had eaten Loki in an earlier issue, taking him off the board...for now. Daredevil has a surprisingly central role in this one: he had taken the sword of the injured Heimdall, which had expanded his senses to a godly degree. Here, he tells Thor that Yggdrasil the World-Tree was growing in the sun, and Thor tells him to nail him to it. (It's a Norse god thing, Odin had done it probably more than once!) I suddenly feel like they missed a trick, not giving DD the old spacey-face Captain Mar-Vell used to get with cosmic awareness!
Various bands of heroes team-up with surviving gods, to counter-attack: the Punisher also has a surprisingly large role, which would lead into his Punisher Kill Krew mini-series. Spider-Man has a fun appearance here, with the corpse-eating Spiders of Hel, who seem to have taken a shine to him, to Spidey's chagrin. (Aaron writes a great crossover Spidey: he's not the main guy, but helps out and has jokes!) Jennifer Walters was a thicker, less-articulate She-Hulk at the time; which seems to be super-attractive to large chunks of Malekith's forces, but an issue of War Scrolls points out she was seeing Thor at the time. And while several characters, including fallen Valkyrie Brunnhilde, wanted her to live her life in peace, Jane Foster returns to the fray, picking up a hammer again.
For reference, this was about the same time as the start of the Krakoa era, and most of this series would've been on racks while Avengers: Endgame was in theaters!
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crossover debris,
Monday, March 03, 2025
I want a Superman "time stick" now.
I feel like everyone and their mom bought that Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez DC Style Guide but me; I have to content myself with random ads like this one! The Superman "time stick" momentarily looked like mullet-Supes, but no. Anyway, as long as we're here, let's check out the front of this one! From 1982, Batman #354, "Showdown" Written by Gerry Conway, pencils by Don Newton, inks by Alfredo Alcala.
This was maybe intentionally stepping away from the '66 TV show: Batman had just been stripped of his "special deputy" status, by crooked Mayor Hill and Commissioner Pauling. Although currently outlawed, Batman still confronts them, since he had Deadshot held prisoner--probably illegally--but Bats hoped to spook them into confessing their conspiracy with Boss Rupert Thorne. While Pauling doesn't have the stones to shoot Batman, he still triggers an alarm, and one of his loyalists, fat pig Sgt. McClosky, takes a shot at Batman leaving police headquarters. He gets five shots off as Batman tries to swing away, and Bats catches one and falls...but his body isn't found.
Meanwhile, since he had been haunted by the ghost of Hugo Strange, Boss Thorne has brought in some help: "Ghost Breaker" Dr. Thirteen! The abrasive doctor doesn't like Thorne, or even accept his money: his whole thing was, there was no such thing as ghosts, and he almost compulsively has to prove it. And he's right this time: someone had set up hologram projectors and tape recordings, to hound Thorne. Thorne thinks Pauling and Hill did it, and storms off to get his revenge, although he also plans to settle with Thirteen later.
Alfred is attending to the blindfolded and caged Deadshot, when a bleeding Batman barely makes it in; then a brief subplot with Vicki Vale receiving an anonymous "cat-call" warning her to stay away from Bruce Wayne. Later that night, Thorne is drinking at home, when Batman arrives and scowls at him, silently. Thorne doesn't quite spill all the beans, but does accidentally set his house on fire! Thorne escapes the blaze, then at City Hall confronts Hill, Pauling, and McClosky; furious over their betrayal and all the fake haunting stuff, which Hill swears he didn't know anything about. Thorne shoots Pauling, but is himself shot by McCloskey, who is then knocked out by Batman.
"Batman" then reports back in: it was Robin filling in, as Bruce was currently bedridden. While Thorne would go to jail, their conversation didn't entirely incriminate Hill; and with Deadshot still not talking, they had nothing on the mayor. Robin wonders about the ghost business, though; as a limousine drives away, with Hugo Strange softly chuckling in the back. Well, the caption box says he's softly chuckling, the art and lettering in the last panel make it look more like he's cackling his head off. I feel bad for his chauffeur; imagine driving that around all day.
I wasn't reading regularly then, but I think this plotline had been bubbling away for a long time, so it had to be immensely satisfying seeing the conspirators turn on each other and get some measure of what was coming to them. I wonder what that's like, huh?
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