A quick panel from Secret Wars #11, "...and Dust to Dust!" Written by Jim Shooter, pencils by Mike Zeck, inks by John Beatty. You can barely see Thor in this panel, but this issue came with the Marvel Universe Secret Wars Thor and Enchantress two-pack. Still think they could've gone with Thor #383 there and squeezed in another two-pack...
I got the Ultron/Mr. Fantastic set earlier this week, but it's been a rough one; so I haven't had a lot of time to play with them yet. I'm beat, so we'll be back next week!
Oh, and the Spokane Comic-Con is next weekend! It's the fourth annual, and I'm hoping to finally get to go: I keep planning to, and then something always comes up, like family in town or what have you. I did plan on skipping the year they had Margot Kidder as a guest, though; and I heard she was a bit of a cranky-pants...
Ah, geez, Secret Wars. It always felt to me like it was written by someone (ahem, ahem) who didn't seem to be paying much attention to what was actually going ON in all of the Marvel titles at the time. The X-men, in particular, aren't treated ANYTHING like the other heroes would have treated them in the regular titles.
Yeah, like when would you _ever_ see Magneto stand in the background during such an epic opportunity to be the leader of all of the super-heroes known in their universe...
Steven G. Willis
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