Let's see here..Nightcrawler was killed off in X-Force #26 in 2010, came back in Amazing X-Men #1 in 2013, and revealed he had to trade his soul to return and stop Azazel in Amazing X-Men #5 in 2014. (Page from "The Quest for Nightcrawler, conclusion" Written by Jason Aaron, pencils by Ed McGuinness, inks by Dexter Vines.)
In X-Men Gold, Nightcrawler still didn't have a soul (and didn't have the Bamfs that had been following him around in his solo book) and on at least two separate occasions is injured to the point he should die, and doesn't. (From 2018, X-Men Gold #18, "The Negative Zone War, part 3" Written by Marc Guggenheim, art by Ken Lashley.) (This issue was from this year? That feels like a hundred years ago!)
Despite being "soulless," Kurt still dated Rachel Grey, and almost proposed to her. But to date, the plotline of his soul and possible unkillable...ness hasn't been resolved. With the X-Men going into another restructuring, I wonder if it ever will. (I would be a million times more excited, if they hadn't gone with "X-Men Disassembled" for a title. Also, I hate the beard, it screams depression to me...)
And our first panel today? Man, we've had a lot of guest-stars in this thing! None of whom are going to take Pool's call!
Ans any one of those guest stars would be good additions to the 'Seven'. I'm really curious now who the (un)lucky bastard or bistich winds up being.
Annnnnnnddddd, are you going to follow through on killing at least 4 of them?
Didn't know Kurt is going around soulless these days. Kinda' puts him at odds with his whole stance on religion doesn't it....even a little bit?
Poor Kurt. That whole arc with Azazel and the aoul sucking...sucked.
I did snicker at the bit with Gladiator shuddering over the eggs and omelets though.
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