Wednesday, February 05, 2025


H.E.R.B.I.E. shows up here and there in the Contest of Champions game: he's part of Mr. Fantastic's special move, and he's been the narrator/presenter for a few quests. I forget if he's in the books right now, though: last I recollect, Valeria had given him free will--and swears--in Incoming #1 back in 2020. That feels like a hundred years ago, but January was 40 years long so that makes sense. 

Tony was actually there last time Satana saw Deadpool, in "Idea," but Pool was dressed up like the Punisher and not the big red Venompool version. Like most Marvel heroes, they consider symbiotes gross, at best.

1 comment:

H said...

Hmm, free will eh? And Kurt making a phone call. I think I get it now. Not sure how much help she’d be or if she’s even shown up before but worth a shot at this point.

On another note, I don’t even want to think about what sort of havoc D’Spayre could wreak on a Watcher.