Thursday, February 13, 2025

When's the new Captain America movie? Tomorrow? Really? I know this one was pushed back, and MCU fatigue, blah blah blah; but this might be about the worst possible time for it to come out, since I'm not sure anybody is 'rah-rah go America' right now. And the ads I've seen have as much as spelled out who the Red Hulk is, and that *in-story* the President just might be the bad guy. I've also lost track of Cap stuff in the comics--Straczynski's run didn't grab me, although I think it also just dropped off. Anyway, we'll go back a little for this one, which goes way back: from 2011, AAFES 11th Edition [Captain America: The First Avenger] #11, "Electric Nightmare" Written by William Harms, art by Shawn Martinbrough. Cover by John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson.
We saw the Thor AAFES issue last year; I bought this one from the same comic shop's quarter bin, which makes me think they were part of a sold collection; and this is another promo book for the U.S. military. Fittingly then, it has a framing sequence, with troops flying in on Operation Market Garden in WWII. To settle the nerves of a nervous soldier, a lieutenant gives him his lucky charm: a Captain America Comics...comic, that he had been given by General Patton.
In the comic, Cap takes care of some smugglers, before being given a mission in Symkaria (which longtime Marvel readers would recognize as the home of Silver Sable!) where villages are being attacked and their people taken away, by strange electricity-using masked soldiers. Cap investigates, finding a castle where the prisoners are being transformed into soldiers even stronger than him, but not by Nazis, or even HYDRA: this was homegrown, as the usual mad scientist turns out to be Symkarian himself. He tells Cap, he was building a force to defend his country against the turning his people into zombie-like drones; real "We had to destroy the village in order to save it" energy there. Cap gets loose and destroys their battery, seemingly killing the scientist and his drones; and he considers the lesson as he rides away.
As the soldier finishes before the jump, the lieutenant reminds him of what he learned from it; and whadaya know, they might be pretty good lessons for today! 

 I'll probably go see Brave New World over the weekend: I haven't been to the movies in months, and could do with some popcorn!

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid said...

I 100% agree with you there about this being one of the worst times to release that Cap movie, let alone A Captain America movie. It feels simultaneously both tone deaf & too on the nose featuring an evil president as one of the main villains in the movie, with the other being Sidewinder, though I’m not sure if he’ll get the amount of screen time he no doubt deserves considering the caliber of actor Giancarlo Esposito is. Definitely let me/us know how it went. I’m definitely skipping this one for sure.

As for that last page….I definitely feel like WW2 was probably the truly last time we were on the right side of history as far as getting involved, even though it took us seemingly forever to help the persecuted Jews.