Wednesday, February 19, 2025


While I (of course) agree with Kurt, that Orchis guys deserve whatever bad end comes to them; you might get where Satana is coming from. I don't think she's a big nerd, but she would've watched Next Generation, and probably saw this surprisingly brutal death from the episode "In Theory":
That, and on BlueSky, Max the Comics Guy points out what happens when you get rid of all the X-Men who aren't cool with murder, you're left with... 

I still haven't bought the Superior Iron Man figure...I'm hoping to find him on the cheap later. I also forget what the gimmick of that particular suit was; like didn't it have symbiote parts or tech or goo or something? I don't think it moved like a Carnage or Venom, though. I also know I read the first parts of Axis...wait, maybe I didn't; those covers don't ring a bell. I probably read an issue or two of Axis: Revolutions or the Amazing X-Men crossover issue; which have the fights Kurt refers to.


CalvinPitt said...

The only book I was reading that tied into Axis was Deadpool, and I actually dropped it until the tie-ins were over. Didn't help the book had just finished 4 or 5 issues of Original Sin tie-ins a month earlier.

It's sweet how insistent Satana is that Kurt remain good, but c'mon, just a little matricide? Mystique totally deserves it!

Mr. Morbid said...

Absolutely! If nothing else, the reversal of the usual dynamics helps freshen up the whole family rivalry.

As for Axis, I only ever read the Carnage & Hobgoblin spin-offs. They felt far more entertaining than the event that caused them to happen.

Mr. Morbid said...

I know Kurt’s admittedly pretty biased towards the nature of Kitty’s powers, but that’s only because she’s overall a really decent person. Well at least back when I was reading about her. I know she changed a bit during the Krakoa era, becoming…um, like a pirate/smuggler? I’m not sure.
But yeah, her powers can pretty scary if you think about them long enough. Probably another reason why both the Hand and SHIELD tried to recruit her.

H said...

Wait, is that their plan- just don’t look? I could see that working but it’s a bit of a cliche at this point

CalvinPitt said...

I assume the solution is going to be whoever Kurt called, though I can't guess who it'll be. Dazzler, raising everyone's spirits with rockin' tunes?

Or maybe it's going the other way, and Kurt contacted something so depressing or offensive they drive D'Spayre away.

H said...

Eh, whatever gets the job done I suppose- it’ll be at least spring by the time this thing ends unless there’s a quickie ending.

H said...

Screw it- I’ll give my guess. I’m probably wrong, but even if I’m right I doubt goo’s going to change things up this late in the game.

I say it’s Destiny- I don’t if she’s ever shown up or how useful her powers would be, but it seems to fit the situation.

Mr. Morbid said...

Ok I’m intrigued; why would she be a good choice to end this?

H said...

Basically, goo made it a point a couple of posts ago to mention H.E.R.B.I.E.’s free will and that Kurt was making a call. Destiny is the opposite of free will, and is the name of an X-Man so it only seems appropriate.

Mr. Morbid said...

Hmmm, point.