Thursday, March 13, 2025

Somehow, I'm used to these guys having a more antagonistic relationship than they do here: today, Lord Chaos and Master Order seem like Waldorf and Statler, settling in to watch another trainwreck of a show play out, maybe engage in a little light heckling. From 1993, the Warlock Chronicles #2, "Rescue" Written by Jim Starlin, pencils by Tom Raney, inks by Keith Williams.
I don't think I had this issue before, but we have blogged most of this limited already; and like most of the series, this was an Infinity Crusade crossover. The aforementioned Lord Chaos and Master Order (and I'm mildly dismayed I got that right first try and didn't use Lord Order/Master Chaos) are watching Adam Warlock, who is trying to ready himself to face his "good" feminine side, the Goddess. Warlock had also been ordered to divest himself of 5 of the 6 Infinity Gems, and gets a visit from Eternity, who isn't wild about his picks to get them. Gamora, sure, she's awesome; Drax and Pip and Moondragon, eh, they'd do, even Warlock keeping the Soul Gem was acceptable. But the protector of the Reality Gem...(No spoilers! It feels kind of obvious, but I don't think that cat would get out of the bag entirely for some time.)
Adam spends most of the rest of the issue tripping balls in a reality distortion; which c'mon, he oughta be used to, that's a Starlin fave! He crashes back into reality at Thanos's secret sanctuary; where the Mad Titan is like, geez, Adam, get off the floor, have some dignity...Thanos also recently had another visitor, the Goddess, who he pretty definitely already recognized; Adam confirms it without wasting time hemming or hawing or trying to cover his ass. Adam is teleported back to Monster Island, where the Infinity not; while Thanos makes preparations, to get strapped for battle. (He was getting his Warhammer-esque battleship, Dreadnaught-666; and there's really the feeling that Thanos felt he had outgrown that sort of thing, like he thought it was cool when he was like 12 or something.)

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid said...

Lord Order & Master Chaos as Waldorf and Statler you say? Great, now I can’t unsee that, gee thanks.

I was definitely more of a fan of Infinity War than I was of Infinity Crusade and that’s mainly because IW had evil doppelgängers to stimulate my imagination whereas IC was mostly just a philosophical discussion about religion. It’s not hard to understand why the third part of the Infinity trilogy was the weakest, at least for me it was, millage may vary due to one’s age at the time.