Friday, March 21, 2025

Ugh, we're not doing "Blame Canada" again, are we?

My local comic shop keeps a rack by the door, of maybe not minty fresh books, but interesting ones: a lot of the Gold Key Twilight Zones I blogged last year were from there, a fistful of early Swamp Things, and a bunch of Kamandi. I'm almost getting a decent run going, but I wasn't sure if I had read this whole series before: from 1993, Kamandi at Earth's End #4, "The Man at Earth's End!" Written by Tom Veitch, pencils by Frank Gomez, inks by Mike Barreiro.
Tom Veitch wrote Star Wars: Dark Empire, which I think had one of my favorite lines in Star Wars comics, with Palpatine badmouthing Vader in a fight. I mention that, because this one...enh. This was an Elseworlds modernization of Kirby's Kamandi, but it doesn't have the evolved, talking animals anymore; which leaves a rather charmless apocalypse. It's kind of like if the original Kamandi had been inspired by Mad Max and its sundry knock-offs instead of Planet of the Apes. Raised in a bunker by the computer "Mother," Kamandi is kicked out into the world with a mission, to kill the man Mother claimed destroyed the world...a familiar figure, with a big red 'S.' Kamandi quickly picks up a couple sidekicks, um, Burly Gun-Guy, and Girl. Okay, they have names, but they're no Prince Tuftan or Dr. Canus. They're chased all the way across the country by Ben Boxer and his Terminator-like friends, who are both less and more human than they were in Kirby's version.
I didn't love this one, but I guess it did well enough that Veitch and Gomez got a prestige format one-shot sequel, for Superman: At Earth's End.


Mr. Morbid said...

Didn’t know Tom Veitch had it out for Canadians 🤷‍♂️
Such a weird throwaway line that adds literally nothing to the story or character.


This version of Kamandi is ABSOLUTELY inspired if not a straight rip off, of Mad Max. It’s ok for what it is but I much prefer Kirby’s version & premise.

Superman is a big beefy boy for no reason other than artistic license. Guess absorbing all that radiation gave him the gains.

H said...

I think this was originally going to be a Robin Elseworlds but they wanted him to change it for some reason. Whatever- like you said, definitely not his finest work. I doubt it would have been better with Robin anyway.

Mr. Morbid said...

Really? Robin? That sounds not only worse, but nowhere near the vicinity of making sense. At least Komandi fit for the most part.

H said...

It’s an Elseworlds- it doesn’t have to make sense. They had a Superman-as-Frankenstein Elseworlds, for example- where would you ever get that connection? Lots of the Elseworlds Annuals were just putting characters in post-apocalyptic situations and calling it a day.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I get that, but a Robin inclusion without a Batman or Batman-related character to act as a narrational anchor is weird. His inclusion in the following sequel where Super Santa has to fight evil clones of Bruce would’ve made more sense.

H said...

It wouldn’t be the first time they did that. There have been at least two Robin Elseworlds without any other Bat-family (although one of those was sort of a reverse of this one, where they were going to use another character but couldn’t so they used Robin instead).