I don't typically do a "Best of" action figure for the year, just my year-end count and totals. Partially it's because I don't buy every single figure, or even enough for an accurate sampling; but also because many of my purchases are based on character. And I always figure the best figure of the year was probably a bit more upscale; like the new Star Wars AT-AT or something from Hot Toys.
Not the case here, although I do think all four of these were purchased at full price: first up, Marvel Legends Valkyrie. She was originally planned for the Hulk/Fin Fang Foom wave back in 2008, tooled and ready, then bumped from the lineup. Marvel Universe then became the spotlight line, so she would have to wait until this year for release; and I'm hoping for a resurgence of Marvel Legends, especially when it comes to new characters. (Moreover, Val is going to be in a ton of homemade strips, both here and at Poe's!)
Not unlike Valkyrie, Shocker Toys Scud was teased long, long ago, but we finally have him this year. Getting a figure you never thought would get a toy is one thing, but getting a good figure as well? Well worth the wait. Although I sometimes get the feeling that as a company, Shocker sometimes bites off more than they can chew; I'm pulling for them, I like the idea of more independent comic figures. Their handicaps? Getting the figures on the shelves, and character selection. (Shocker made probably the best figure Shadowhawk is ever gonna have, but I don't care about the character.)
Negative Man is not only a character and a figure I personally dig; but he's there as a representative of DC Universe Classics. Again, it's a line I usually cherry-pick based on characters--it would have to be a pretty stout discount to get me to buy a new Donna Troy figure--but that's pretty much what happened! Between markdowns, coupons, and eBay; DCUC surged the last three months of the year. Nine DCUC buys from January to September 2010, then nine in October, six in November, and eight in December. Along with some mainstays like the Martian Manhunter and Guy Gardner, DCUC delivered some characters I never thought I'd get on the shelf, like OMAC, Jemm, and Negative Man.
And Twitch? Twitch is just cool, you could probably pick him up for under eight bucks right now, and he can be whatever you want him to be. I started using him in Bastards of the Universe well before I saw Toy Story 3; and it's safe to say he's...different here. I always think of his style as a callback to old-school lines like Masters of the Universe and Sectaurs, too.
Those were my favorites, what were yours?
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