We saw his first appearance years back, and he may have been intended to be a recurring foil, but today's the last of his three appearances: from 1985, Warlord #95, "Dragon Doom!" Written by Cary Burkett, pencils by Adam Kubert, inks by Ian Akin and Brian Garvey.
This was the second of a two-parter, set during the larger storyline of the war with New Atlantis: the pirate Cap'n Hawk was an ally of Travis's in that war, albeit an extremely mercenary one. When their meeting is interrupted by Vashek assassins (basically Skartaran ninjas, largely coasting on their rep) they escape, only to be swamped by a sea-dragon. Hawk, Travis, and Shakira were saved by catching a ride on a passing barge, of a princess fleeing her kingdom out of boredom. With the promise of a reward to return her, Hawk ditches Travis and Shakira, leaving them to be jumped by the Vasheks at a waterfall!

After going over said waterfall, Shakira wonders why they're even looking for Hawk; and while there's other good reasons, Hawk stole Travis's trademark helmet! That's like tugging on Superman's cape! Tracking Hawk, they run across a dead tyrannosaurus, and wonder what could've killed it. Still, they catch up to Hawk soon enough, only to realize if they could follow him, so could the Vasheks!

Somewhat surprisingly, Travis was out of ammo for his .44 Automag, so the fight wasn't looking good; until the princess's troops arrive: the Danko Warriors, riding their huge tricorn horses! While the Vasheks are able to take down a few, they are outmatched.

They meet the Lord Kaldustan, who had a sword not unlike the one the clone of Travis's son used way back in Warlord #21. Weird. Anyway, Kaldustan would have joined the Warlord's fight against the New Atlanteans, except that sea-dragon made it impossible to move his forces off the island. If only someone could get rid of that thing...Travis rigs up a diamond-tipped giant crossbow--thanks to D&D, it's called a ballista, and I was disappointed they didn't call it such. Hawk agrees to help for two additional chests of diamonds, even if Travis has to do all the work.
All's swell that ends swell: Hawk delivers another load of prisoners freed from the Atlanteans, Travis has made another new ally, and Hawk steals Travis's diamonds as payment for his help against the Vasheks! God, what a dick. I suspect he might've returned, but Burkett only had four more issues in his run; and I suppose Travis's quest after #100 was taking him in the opposite direction.
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