I know I've read a couple fairly recent Amazing Spider-Man comics with Mockingbird, but I'm not sure if he ever got around to asking her out, or if their relationship moved past that. And that would get rolled back anyway, so who cares. I'm glad I didn't read Spider-Man regularly for the last ten years, since Peter's probably going to be living in his aunt's basement next issue. Unless Marvel could figure out a way to get him back into high school.
I never would've thought to put the two together, Spidey and Mockingbird, but on paper, considering their both supposed to be super-smart inventors who fight crime, it seems like they'd actually be a pretty good match.
Idk, it's probably just me, but I prefer her with Hawkeye. Probably because I grew up with them as a couple I guess.
Yeah, they're rolling back Peter into being a millennial more than likely. Well millennial-esque anyways. So fucking stupid.
Hey, the wing chair looks just as good from the back as it does from the front! And yes, you seem to have nailed girl talk quite well.
Eerily so.
Methinks whilst on a toy-gathering pilgrimage, he doth frequent ye local mall and spy on poor, unsuspecting tweens and teens as they gossip and talk about "stuff"....
That would explain it!
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