So, I put in an order to My Comic Shop.com, and got a few things I hadn't been able to dig up before. Like the Question Returns #1, one of the few Question issues I didn't have. Except I kind of hated it: there's a sweet Dan Brereton cover, but returning writer Dennis O'Neil goes all over the place storywise, and much as I like Eduardo Barreto's art, this time it didn't do it for me. (The Question's eyes are visible through his mask, which shouldn't be.) Disappointing, especially since the issues of Question Quarterly I had been missing were great.

Then, there's 2000 AD Presents #15, which features a Dan Dare story with Dave Gibbons art, and the conclusion to the space prison serial Harry Twenty on the High Rock, written by Gerry Finley-Day, with art by Alan Davis. Is it the greatest story ever? Well, no, man; but I had most of the rest of it and not the dramatic conclusion! It's a fun adventure yarn, although like a lot of space prison stories, it does beg the point of why the hell you would go to the trouble of launching convicts into space in the first place...I haven't seen the movie Lockout, but I'd be willing to bet there's some overlap with Harry Twenty.
Anyway, got a couple more 80-pagers, that can wait for a Thursday sometime. Have a good weekend!
80 page giants, anthology books...all are and were a pretty decent value for the money.
I prefer reading handbooks and indexes---much more entertaining than 95% of current comic books, IMHO. I also love finding ones I don't have yet for cheap.
I liked the mass output of handbooks, atlases, etc., Marvel put out @2006-2008. (DCs secret origins books are less appealing to me, I'd rather read a competent text than a lame 6-page origin story and only a few who's who entries.) I hope old Eliot Brown has something up his sleeve in the near future.
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