Monday, September 15, 2014

A scene I'd love to see in Marvel's Axis crossover:

God, I hate Cyclops. Although he may actually be more interesting as a villain. But he'd have to be...

I don't think we've seen Nightcrawler call Cyclops out yet. Kurt was going to quit the team before his death in "Second Coming," a death that couldn't have been more telegraphed if he'd announced he only had three days until retirement. Since then, the Phoenix-possessed Cyclops killed Professor Xavier, and Professor X and Nightcrawler had some time together in heaven before Kurt came back. Cyke and his current team showed up at a party celebrating Kurt's return, but Kurt played peacemaker (as usual) between Cyke and Wolverine. I'm not positive it's fair to call Cyclops a terrorist, but, well, maybe.

EDIT: Oh, and the Captain America/Wolverine encounter Cyke mentions is from Secret Wars, but that line may have a bit more negative connotation today.


CalvinPitt said...

I might have to make that image of Kurt punching Cyclops my new desktop wallpaper. Man, Cyclops is so terrible.

SallyP said...

This should be canon. It SHOULD!

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

@Sally: Right? LOL

I gotta say I don't care for Cyke as a villain, but he definitely is, and yeah, at least it's an attempt(albeit a horrible one) at giving him a personality.

Cool skit though, and Kurt truly owes Cyke and his treasure map face a good sock in the jaw.

Dude! Bought that Agent Venom at a con yesterday. He's so fucking cool!