Thursday, May 21, 2020

I liked the tagline for the next issue better, but this is handy, so...

I don't read enough detective stories, but I know there are some investigators who pull on a string of clues until the case unravels; and others who might be observant but generally stumble through things and probably get punched in the face or hit over the head a lot. Kate may be headed towards becoming the latter, in today's book! From 2017, Hawkeye #2, "Something Wicked This Way Comes" Written by Kelly Thompson, art by Leonardo Romero.

Kate's fledging detective agency in L.A. may be off to a good start, as she's already bringing in a stalker she refers to as "Creepy McGee," case closed. Maybe not: this would be like Jim Rockford catching the bad guy 15 minutes into an episode: things probably aren't what they seem, there's still time to fill. Although Kate has a ream of threats that had been sent to her client, the stalker doesn't think he sent all of that; a statement possibly backed up by helpful computer lab tech/smitten nerd Quinn. The stalker also had a flyer that Kate had seen on campus, for "T.B.C." Take Back Control, which Kate notes sounds ominous as hell.

With her client missing, and both the stalker and Kate's friend Ramone worried about her, Kate tries to infiltrate a masked meeting of T.B.C. Although creepy, Kate may notice a friend in the crowd, as she spies an ankle holster that she had seen before, on police detective Rivera. (Her eyes are sharp, to pick that up in a crowd in a darkened room!) But her luck turns after that, as she had the old password, and the masks chase her out--and worse, bystanders and passersby seem to be joining the mob after her! The blurb for the next issue proclaims "The hate for Kate escalates!" but I don't think she had wrapped up this case by the end of that one, either. Kate managed to avoid getting punched this issue, but that seems like a fluke.

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