From a DC house ad, in Batman #323, 1980. I have no idea what's going on this issue, but I really wanna know now.
I haven't read a ton of Hex, the occasional issues here and there and then the Vertigo series. But, like Sgt. Rock or the Creeper, it's a character I'm glad DC produces every so often, something a little different than the usual super-hero fare. And Hex pretty much has it all over the Marvel western stuff. (Sgt. Rock is cooler in a WWII setting, but Fury is cooler than Rock from the Steranko stuff. I will brook no discussion on this.)
This is my hundredth post according to blogger. Since I post from flickr, I have to string them together for longer posts, so who knows? I mention it only because it's making me feel guilty dogging it here, but I've got some kind of summer cold, something I thought was only in old Spider-man comics. More stuff tomorrow. If anyone has Jonah Hex #36, pipe up!
I'll agree to that. Rock is the cooler WWII guy but Fury is cooler in "modern-day" comics because of Steranko.
And I hope there aren't any more attempts to bring Rock into the "present day" by leading the Suicide Squad or serving under President Luthor or some such nonsense. He belongs with Easy, period!
Hah! I do have this issue. Now
I have to go and find where I hid it. Sheesh. Love my Jonah Hex.
Hey... I just happened to see this post, and realized your mentioning of posting from Flickr would be the reason when you do reviews (like the JLA one with Nekron) you break them up into multiple posts... I used to do the same thing on my own blog (waffyjon.blogspot.com), but then I realized that I could still host images on Flickr AND put more than one picture in a single post.
How do I do it? I don't use the "blog this" link in Flickr... I go to the photo's page and click "All Sizes" (next to the blog this link)... and then I copy the HTML thoughtfully provided below (and if I want a smaller version of the picture than the default one, I click on the appropriate size on the top).
The only problem with this is that I have to use the "back" button to access my "next picture" link again... but still, it does let me post multiple pics in a single blog post... I just paste the HTML code between paragraphs! Of course, it doesn't let me do the picture next to the text bit... but still...!
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