From Kull #10, "While Valusia Sleeps" Written by Alan Zelenetz, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Marie Severin. Kull's number-one man, Brule, has returned to the Pictish islands; so Kull brings the warrior Gonra out of a thousand year sleep to come hang out. As you do.
Unfortunately, since the royal court of Valusia is chock full of doublecrossing bastards, a couple put Gonra up to opening a chamber Kull sealed shut with a sword, thinking it will be full of treasure. Instead, it holds a serpent-man. And a ghost. The ruckus gets Kull out of bed, and he's forced to kill the ghost, a batch of serpent-men, and and an imitation-Gonra.

Also this issue: subplots with Brule and Sleeping Beauty! (Actually a girl that was going to sleep until Kull loved her, which doesn't seem like a great way to win him over.) Maybe this being the last issue snuck up on them, since they didn't go anywhere. Kull would appear here and there in Savage Sword of Conan, but this would be the last attempt at a series for him at Marvel.
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