That of Vic Perrin, the "Control Voice" of the original the Outer Limits. This comic must be an easier gig than the Twilight Zone, you don't have to draw Rod Serling a couple times a story...From 1967, the Outer Limits #13, featuring "The Thing in the Well," "Multiman," and "Final Curtain." All with art by Jack Sparling, but no story credit in the GCD.

I had a coverless copy of this one, but the cover gives the game away for the first story; it's basically the secret origin of Mothra. If you cocoon up a giant radioactive caterpillar, what do you expect to happen? In the second story, "Multiman," a disgruntled mad scientist and a forcibly retired wrestler join forces to conquer the world, but the devil is in the details. The last story is more of a Twilight Zone number: an aging actress turned amateur horticulturist thinks she's stumbled across a de-aging formula, and you can probably guess this one: she may have wanted to check her dosage.

I think I knew of this series before, but it had a fairly short run: 18 issues, with the last two reprinting the first two. Twilight Zone had 92, and Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery 97...yes, all these Gold Key comics are largely interchangeable, but still.
1 comment:
Whoah, didn't know Kwey Comics had a TZ and Outer Limits series, or Boris Karloff for that matter. I know Innovation Comics in the 90's did, since they also has Quantum Leap and some others. Nice. That retired wrestler/mad scientist story reminds of a nice episode of the Twilight Zone with Lee Marvin playing an old, semi-retired boxer who agrees to fight a robot boxer for money. Good shit.
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