Ah, perhaps there's maybe one reason to look forward to the Snyder cut: more footage of Batman's Knightcrawler! Which probably cost Wayne Industries like $200 billion and was really not that effective against the Parademons. Like, at all. I suppose we should be grateful Bats didn't let the cops have it, though.
The Batfleck shown was from Batman v. Superman, and with a hard plastic cape probably wouldn't fit in there half as well as Nightcrawler, surprisingly, did. (And, I actually saw a heroically shelf-worn BvS Batman, that very one, at a Walgreens this week! Probably still twenty bucks.) There were cheaper, slightly shorter Justice League figures than the Movie Masters, with sound chips to interact with the Knightcrawler. I know I have a Parademon somewhere, I bet it will yell at it. And the Knightcrawler does scuttle around in a pleasing fashion! I couldn't spring for the pet deposit on this place right now, so it may have to do. (I say 'deposit,' but it was just a stout fee; and my neighbors have some dogs that would bark even more than they do now if I had one.)
Now this one was cute. Nice Geico ad nod there. Wade really did rub off on Kurt apparently. I'm guessing She-Hulk was Kurt's lawyer since they're both fellow Secret War(rriors) and all right? She seems like the type of aggressive and smart ass fuck lawyer type to be able to beat even Matt.
Not getting me into that- I've seen Empire Strikes Back and Robocop and it does not end well. A giant spider is fine, but that? I'll walk.
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