Thursday, April 13, 2023

Look, I honestly can't tell you this isn't how cricket is played.

Da-da-de-de-da-da-da-dum...He wasn't my favorite as a kid; I think I enjoy Foghorn Leghorn cartoons more now. Maybe I relate to him finally: frankly idiosyncratic sense of humor; lazy, I say, lazy as the summer day is long; long-winded over-stuffed nattering son-of-a--hey! From March 2022, Looney Tunes #264, reprinting "Field of Screams" Written by Frank Strom, pencils by Leo Batic, inks by Mike DeCarlo; reprinted from 2000's Looney Tunes #67, but you could also find it in 2012's Looney Tunes #209!
Although it's been running since 1994, I'm not sure how much new material the series generates, but then again, maybe it doesn't have to! The lead feature, Bugs/Daffy wrestling number "Crush Test Dummies" might be new; but the second feature is a reprinted Tweety and Sylvester story, "Medal Madness," that like "Field of Screams" has probably been reprinted a couple times already! "Crush Test Dummies" is not quite as good as classic Bugs Bunny wrestling cartoons, which isn't as good as Ren & Stimpy's "Mad Dog Hoek." Oh, let's be honest, little is as good as "Mad Dog Hoek."


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

FACTS! The fun icing on the cake that is that episode is Stimpy cutting the kind of impassioned promo you only see from true professionals. Where was that fire during the match? Ha ha.

H said...

It generates quite a bit of new material, actually. Granted, most of it follows variations on the formulas for the characters with a smattering of pop culture references but that's how Looney Tunes usually works anyway. Most of the attempts to go in a different direction don't last long and only a few have really been successful, so why mess with something that works?