Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Last Thursday in Metropolis:"
How long have I been gone? Do I have to tell you, click to enlarge?

God, I haven't posted this one already, have I? That'd be embarrassing...

Anyway, some good news: I found this one hidden away in my files, after I realized I'd only loaded one page of it to my Flickr. Duhr. So, I hadda republish the whole thing, and it's frankly just an attempt to get some use out of that Penquin figure. Yeah, he was just bought for the Metamorpho leg, but I wanted him to be good for something. I had the Superman figure out for comparison, and I was trying to figure, how could the Penguin deal with Superman? (Remember, there's a panel in Crisis on Infinite Earths where Firestorm appears to be having some trouble dealing with Penquin.) The answer: not very well, although bluffing goes a fair ways...

And after making a big stink about being done and not able to blog anymore, well, I'll probably be back soon. Um, except I'm on vacation this week, and I burned through the rest of my saved strips when I thought I wasn't going to be able to do this. And I'm in all likelihood only going to be blogging once or twice a week. And I'm severely cutting back on toy purchases, so someone else is probably gonna have to do that Wall*E/Iron Man panel. (I haven't even seen Wall*E yet, but it seems totally obvious...) And I'm probably making this announcement long after the lights are out and everyone's gone. So, um, yay?


SallyP said...

Haw! I love it when the superheroes change foes every once in a while. Oh Kara, you poor innocent dupe!

Glad to see that you aren't gone forever! Blogging is indeed a harsh mistress.

Sea-of-Green said...

Yes! YAY! And it's GREAT to see you, Googum! :-) Yeah, regular blogging is tough (AND action figures purchases have become prohibitively expensive, haven't they? :-<). But, hey, if you can only blog once a week, we'll take it! ;-)

Marc Burkhardt said...

I'm on vacation too ... but definitely YAY!