Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Re-reading some John Carter, Warlord of Mars today:

Since Slay, Monstrobot of the Deep brought it up last week, and I got some on sale at the Comic Book Shop about the same time, I dug up my pile of old Marvel John Carter, Warlord of Mars comics. And realized that while I bought several issues I already had, including the first issue; I did get the Annual that I didn't have. Probably finish reading that batch later today, maybe.

I'm not a huge John Carter fan, although I've enjoyed the old Edgar Rice Burroughs novels that I've read. I still have a 1918 edition of the Gods of Mars, that was in my great-grandma's house. No idea if it was hers, which seems doubtful, or a relative's, or if there are been others there at some point. And after about two seconds of looking, you can read it yourself here. In the pre-Internet days when I read it, I had a vague idea that there was a previous book in this series, but no idea how many books it went. Or that it was going to end with a cliffhanger, either.

Also, over at It'sAllTrue.Net, John Carter was the subject of a recent Most Requested Toys feature. I remembered the Trendmasters figures from a few years back...OK, thirteen years or so. Reckon there'll be more figures from Barsoom, someday.

Splash page from John Carter, Warlord of Mars #8, "Flesh May Wither...and Stone May Crumble!" Written and edited by Marv Wolfman, illustrated by Gil Kane and Rudy Nebres. Frontispiece from the Gods of Mars by Frank E. Schoonover.

1 comment:

plainwater said...

That introductory panel has to be the greatest thing I've ever read in my life.