...but I don't think I'll be going until at least Sunday. Early reviews may not be...glowing, as it were; but you probably should have different expectations from the Dark Knight than you should for this. I do want to keep my eyes open and see if they recommend springing for the 3D or not, though.
And the Hulkbot isn't a Green Lantern figure, but fit in fairly well. I would love to have scaled stickers, of GL rings and logos, to 'deputize' other figures. There may be some available from Stickerfixer.com, a branch of Reprolabels.com, which usually makes replacement stickers for Transformers. May have to look into that; and of course I haven't picked up any of the Movie Masters figures yet either. Later for that, too.
Nice one Goo. I'm still on the fence myself whether to see it or not. I don't like Ryan Reynolds as Hal, nor do I care for his god-awful bacon-looking costume either. I think I'll wait until it comes out on DVD. But I will be going to see X-Men:First Class today though.
On a side-note, I hope DC doesn't force the movie continuity into the regular comics like Marvel has to a degree. I know alot's riding on this for future GL movies, and even for a JL movie, but please keep both things separate!
Well...I just saw it and I loved it, but then I AM a huge GL fan. Still...a few minor ups and downs, but mostly fun.
This picture of all the Lanterns though, is delightful. (as are the Oa scenes in the movie!)
Ha! No, I don't think the movie will kill the franchise. Green Lanterns fans should like it just fine. :-)
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