Also, apparently all the abandoned warehouses in Gotham have the same floor plan and walls, as seen in "Better Living Through Chemicals" and "Riddled." Hmm, only twice? I thought I had been back to that well a few more times there. Of course, the warehouse is the same set as Nightcrawler and Deadpool's apartment. Maybe they live in a warehouse, I don't know...
Speaking of toys, did you see that they're finally coming out with a toy of the greatest comic book character of all time, Death's Head? Too bad it's in the 3.75" which I've never really collected at all.
Franklin isn't dead? Yaaaay!
Ah, that is killing me. I just passed on a cheap Nighthawk a while back, since he was 3.75 instead of "proper," 6-inch Marvel Legend scale.
There was an Age of Apocalypse Nightcrawler 3.75 and that odd 4-inch or so DC Azrael, but so far I haven't bitten. (The Nightcrawler I'd buy as a display piece more than anything.)
All my 3.75 figures--G.I. Joe, Marvel Universe, Star Wars, DCIH, those terrible Star Trek movie ones, whatever--are in a big plastic tote in my garage. They may be there for a while...
Now who thought it was too dark??? I thought it was just the appropriate amount of dark humor myself. Plus it's Batman's foes we're talking about, not my little ponies. Of course it's gonna' get dark. Nice save though;)
A Death's Head figure you say? Original or the 2nd one?
Original Death's Head, otherwise known as "the good one." Should've been a six-incher, though...
Huh. I guess that's only(possibly) because he showed up recently in the Secret Origin of Tony Stark arc.
I prefer the 2nd myself. Visually anyways.
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