Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Typically, this is a problem for super-villains, particularly Flash ones: "Hey, I just invented something that will change human history! Better use it to rob banks..." Spider-Man has long been plagued with the notion that nobody would want to pay for an adhesive that dissolves in an hour; and I think Peter David had the idea in Last Avengers Story that he would eventually sell the formula to 3M, maker of Post-It Notes, and cash in. It would be far and away more useful in the field of non-lethal restraints, wouldn't it? People getting webbed up instead of shot; if only. I don't know if there's a legit in-story reason why not, but hopefully mine makes sense.

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

I'm pretty sure the military and local law enforcement would love web-shooters, especially if they could modify them to shoot bullets like recent Spider-Man/Punisher What If? showed.