Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Even though I usually quite enjoy Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning's work, I don't recall Bloodstone as being very good...even though I swear I saw there was another, uncredited writer in on that. Maybe I'm cracked out on that! And yet it still kills me I'm missing the fourth issue of that series. Elsa's continuity is a bit wiggly, since a lot of bits in Nextwave were because they were funny more than anything; but there's other nonsense like having a Bloodstone hand, and I guess she has a younger brother as well? Yeah, we're just going to go ahead and ignore a lot of that. Elsa hunts monsters, but not in a Punisher-vengeance kind of way, there's a real 'time-to-make-the-donuts' drudgery to it for her. It also feels like she doesn't really give a toss if civilians get eaten and/or squashed by Fin Fang Foom or Tim Boo Ba or whoever; so why does she bother? I think her dad Ulysses Bloodstone drilled (or beat, depending on the telling) a brutal work ethic into her, so the notion of not hunting monsters doesn't even register.

Why would Elsa Bloodstone be there? You can probably guess; I do enjoy my crowd shots over here. Kind of too bad Legends hasn't gotten to more of the Kirby/classic Marvel Monsters, though. Except for Foom, and I guess Groot?


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Now we're getting into some Spy VS Spy/Peter Griffin and the Chicken territory. Nice! Definitely getting some uses out of those alt heads too.
I wonder when Marvel's going to get off their asses and pull the trigger on making Bamf plushie dolls.

CalvinPitt said...

Yeah, the younger brother, Cullen, was added by Dennis Hopeless in Avengers Arena, which I think I'm one of the three people who actually enjoyed that? (The fact Hopeless didn't kill Darkhawk or Cammi probably has a lot to do with it).

I wonder if Elsa goes after Mystique as a changeling, plus you know, sleeping with a demon, or whatever Kurt's dad was these days. I'm honestly surprised if that whole Azazel thing stuck, simply because it was a Chuck Austen idea; you'd figure it would get tossed down the incinerator chute.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

@CalvinPitt: I know right!? Anything and EVERYTHING from that "era" should be brushed off a "lost weekend." The only reason why Owned any of the early issues from that run was strictly because of the Salvador Larocca art.