My haul from the most recent toy show wasn't as good as the one in May, but that had been a pretty good haul. I'm not positive why I bought Void, though: I think someone had a loose one I looked at, then found it at another table cheaper carded. That makes the third Gotham Thug I have, too; although it makes two carded ones, should I open them? The blue guy is part of an Independence Day alien: it had some pegs for tentacles or something, and I think its head opened up for something as well. I've got a craft-playset idea for him, for later. I also got a good chunk of Hellstorm, and some other cheap comics.
Need to find a gun for Scarface, though. I'm sure we can work something out...
Nice haul, although this goes to show how much more liberal you are when it comes to buying figures, where I probably wouldn't have bought the thug, but hey 15$ for him isn't a bad price for him compared to what he goes for elsewhere.
How far into the Hellstrom run are you in now?
I just flipped through another one of the pre-Ellis issues--Len Kaminski, I think? Still not bad. I think I got a half-dozen Ellis ones there, so I'm pretty close to the lot, but haven't seen the last issue yet.
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