Tuesday, August 04, 2020

This is probably a throwback to when I was first buying comics off the spinner rack, but I'm not adverse to buying a random issue of a mini-series: I had X-Men and the Micronauts #4 for years before I was able to get the rest of the series. Hopefully, this one won't take me that long. From 2018, Rom and the Micronauts #3, "Entropy" Written by Christos Gage, art by Paolo Villanelli.

Rom and the Micronauts never got a team-up back in the Marvel runs, so this was a long time coming; but you have to make do with the reimagined versions rather than the 'classic.' Still, a lot to like here, including nice modernizations of classic Micronauts toys/characters like Membros, Ampzilla, Lobros, and Antron! The Dire Wraiths and Baron Karza have teamed up, forcing Rom and the Micros to team up against them. This issue was midway through the miniseries, so it's mostly a fight issue, and not a bad one at that.

I've mentioned before how Rom, the Micronauts, and other Hasbro properties were in a shared universe at IDW, but added somewhat late in the game to their long-running Transformers continuity, which just got a reboot a couple years back. Rom at least may still have some books coming, with a Dire Wraiths book due in July. (Check the link, it mentions a Sal Buscema back-up feature!)


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Personally, while the whole thing ROM and the Micronauts having a shared universe makes, sense, I don't feel the fact that IDW wanted the Transformers, M.A.S.K., G.I Joe and those others to have one made one damn bit of sense...especially when the whole thing was rushed. I get why other companies and publishers feel the need to do this; they saw Marvel being EXTREMELY successful financially from having done it and want a slice of the pie, but it'll never work because marvel actually put in the time and groundwork to make it all organically grow and flow, they didn't rush shit from the very beginning. It's sad and pathetic that it's even being attempted in other places, especially when everyone can see how blatantly bad they're just copying Marvel.

Shlomo Ben Hungstien said...

Fuck idw publishing with their dumbass “hasbroverse” and especially when it comes their train wreck reboots of ROM and The Micronauts. And I think that just about covers my thoughts on all that.