Wednesday, August 26, 2020


So I've read a bit of Hickman's Krakoa X-stuff; and like most of you I have questions. In fact, it's like it was designed for you to have questions; maybe in the hopes of stringing the reader along? Also, in that X-thing with swords (X of Swords, which also appears to run a ton of crossover issues) I'm betting that Nightcrawler gets Worf'ed: he's going to be the one to get beat, to establish the bad guy as hardcore. Or at least good with swords. Feh!

Gwenpool was, at the end of her last limited series, on Krakoa as a mutant. She probably wasn't, but allowed everyone to believe she was. Hopefully her and Jeff are doing just fine; although I don't know if I'd want Hickman to do anything with them: it doesn't seem like Gwen would be in his wheelhouse. (Also, I still hate hate hate the design heavy text pages that seem to come three an issue here.) I recently read Emprye: X-Men #1 and hated it: there were some interesting character bits, along with some stupid, stupid crap. (If you liked it, enjoy; I did not.) Yet I still bought the third and fourth issues because Nightcrawler shows up: there's at least one fun bit in the last issue, but still a lot I didn't care for.


CalvinPitt said...

Gwen left Jeff with Deadpool in the first issue of his new series. I guess because Wade's now king of Monster Island (aka Staten Island), so where better for a land shark?

Deadpool actually went to Krakoa in his last issue, convinced they must have the cure for cancer (that's Wakanda, Wade), and brought Jeff along, but didn't visit Gwen.

But yeah, I'm mostly ignoring the current X-status as much as I can. Hickman's work has never done anything for me, and I don't think this is where he turns that around.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

That line about the Logan surprise birthday party incident HAS to be official canon! HAS TO BE!

H said...

I sincerely doubt it. Everybody knows better than to surprise Wolverine, and those who don't have really strong healing factors.

I'm kinda curious what the second word you censored out for Gwen is. I can't think of anything that long that you could swear to that would need to be bleeped.

googum said...

It might have been "Christ," which I still use all the time even though I'm a godless heathen. Or I may have strung a couple words together...

I decided years and years ago to keep the blog PG-13...ish; but gosh I enjoy swearing. If you ever find Evan Dorkin's Vroom Socko: Paid in Full, there's a panel with a "potty-mouthed" gangster that's one of my favorites ever...

H said...

I don't mind the censor bars- they fit the latter day sitcom feel of these strips. I was just thinking, 'Is there some curse word that's only in the Marvel Universe I don't know about?,' like how they do it on some sci-fi TV shows and movies.