Dark Horse Comics actually reprinted this one in the Chronicles of Conan #27, but we've got a tattered original today: From 1988, Conan the Barbarian #209, "Dark Horse" Plot and script by James (Priest) Owsley, plot and pencils by Val Semeiks, finishes by Alfredo Alcala.

Priest had been the book's regular writer since Conan #172 in 1985, and he was winding down his run here by wrapping up some loose ends. For one, although the Devourer of Souls had been defeated (sort of) around issue #200, his winged horse was still on the loose. Waiting for his master, the horse didn't like people any more than the Devourer did, and was taking it out on anyone that he happened upon. He had also taken over all the local horses into his herd; which puts Conan in a bind when he's ready to ride the hell out of the Kothian city-state Syreb. Although he had friends there, it was time to move on; and his relationship with warrior woman Anneka was over: she had thought Conan had cheated on her with the young former harem girl Sevante and became involved with the prince Kobe. They both felt pretty guilty about that, especially considering Conan had not cheated. Conan doesn't seem to hold a grudge, though.

Forced to face the dark horse if he wanted any steed, Conan gets himself ready for the hunt, and is impressed by the beast's cunning. After a mighty struggle, Conan manages to choke out the horse in mid-air, and is knocked out in the fall, but awakens to discover he earned the horse's respect. He considers the horse just an animal, not a devil, and was going to ride out on him...

...until the local prince's men fill the horse full of arrows! I'm pissed just reading this, so you'd think Conan would be full of murderous rage. Instead, he's merely steamed that he led the poor thing to slaughter, but does have to admit "magical beasts have no place in the world of civilized men." With a new, plain horse; Conan bids his companions farewell, and rides off to new adventures. But he would see one of them shortly...Huh, I thought the next issue was Priest's last, but no, he would be on until #213.
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