I slapped this together as a joke, but now I have to wonder: Captain James T. Kirk versus Green Lantern Hal "Highball" Jordan? In a fistfight, I gotta say Hal in three rounds, but I figure he'd know he'd been in a fight. And five bucks says both their shirts conveniently rip.
By the by, are pilots encouraged to give themselves callsigns after drinks? 'Cause I'd call "Gin fizz."
Nah, Kirk in two rounds.
Once his shirt rips, he becomes unbeatable in a fight :)
THEN he'd seduce Shulkie as well.
Great post, thanks!
Take it and run,
James Bond could beat 'em both, and never ONCE rip his shirt. Now THAT's a super-power. ;-)
I suspect that Kirk secretly rips his own shirt. I also think that Hal wins, once he realizes that She Hulk is the prize...Kirk is sucking space vacumn!
'Highball' is actually a reference to baseball, something Hal enjoyed with his dad.
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