"Spear carriers, chair fillers, second bananas, what-have-you."
Even though DC Universe Classics is blazing through the roster, there's still some characters that probably aren't going to be remade anytime soon, which leaves the sales racks of DC Direct. I got Wonder Girl and Animal Man for $4.94 a piece a while back, which is more than I've ever spent on either of their comics. I had to
wikipedia Donna Troy to get the gist of her multiple origins, and did you know Donna can copy the voice of anyone she's ever heard? That's from an issue of
The Brave and the Bold, so who knows if that ever came up again.
I'm a bit more familiar with Buddy, though:

I did have to look up the cover to
Justice League Europe #1, since I knew there were more members at the launch than this: I don't have an Elongated Man figure, poor Rocket Red has only had a
Justice League Unlimited scale one, and Wonder Woman not only was only on the team for five minutes, I'm waiting on the DCUC version.
Poor Captain Atom seems so forlorn ... with good reason of course. Poor guy's forced by DC Editorial to conquer parallel worlds all the time.
Yeah, Captain Atom ALWAYS seemed pissed off or upset about something, doesn't he? Even as an action figure!
Poor ol' Capt. Atom. All the warmth of Guy Gardner without the brains, and all the stupidity of Hal Jordan, without the charm.
I've eyeballed that Animal Man a few times, but I just can't get past the lack of ball-jointed shoulders. I got Supernova and Booster Gold from that line, though. If only the Booster Gold had actually been wearing his suit from 52...
What Flash is that?
I thought about it a while ago, and Captain Atom's heel turn makes more sense than his usual default characterization of right-wing, order-following, government tool, jerkhole. (His appearances in Superman/Batman and on the Justice League Unlimited cartoon, perfect examples.) Which doesn't work if you remember that Air Force officer or no, he was betrayed by the government, blown up, and then abused by like four non-consecutative administrations.
His Justice League Europe days, though? Pure gold. Over there, Nate falls into the put-upon leader/straight man role like J'onn did, and nails it.
And Pete...er...huh. It's a JLA Flash from a little ways back: I have the silver age Flash box set, but needed a grown-up Wally for some reason. That Flash holds up a little better than the old Power Girl, though...
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