A little link trail first: we started with a search on Ask Cerebra, which lead to a post on Pretty, Fizzy Paradise that linked to the DC Universe Calendar. All this to find Green Lantern Hal Jordan's birthday, which is actually February 20; but we're not waiting around for that. Wednesday, Green Lantern's birthday. Be here!
Oh, and we'll talk about the set and the toys then, but a quick thanks and heads up to the photostream of Greg the Bunny that reminded me I had one of those set pieces...
Yep, 'tis true. DC issued a calendar back in th 1970s with all that information on it. It even included Aquababy's birthday and the date on which Larry Lance died. I had a copy of that calendar -- wish I still had it.
Oh Hal...talk about the perfect reaction. And the Atom's indignation is just perfect.
And considering the cake came from Batman, Hal should probably check it for booby traps.
I didn't just write "booby traps," did I?
Hal would probably LIKE those.
BoobIE traps. And yes, Hal would be delighted.
Good God, we're juvenile.
Yeah, we are. But we're harmless and we have fun. :-)
RIGHT, Googum? ;-)
Of course! I just wish I had more than one more day of Green Lantern abuse prepared, since it seems to be the theme all over the place this week...
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