I know I read Amazing Spider-Man #1, but the Black Cat's heel-turn after getting roughed up and thrown in jail by the Superior Spider-Man...it doesn't really sit right with me. That and I'm pretty sure DC's Catwoman is in the middle of a cat-burglar turned crimelord storyline, too.
I haven't read Punisher's book in some time, probably since the end of Punisher MAX in 2012, and I wasn't even reading that regularly. I haven't heard good things about the most recent book, either; I also saw on Twitter a scene from a recent issue where a cop shoots a fleeing suspect in the back.
This makes far more sense than the current story with Felicia going evil. Her ethics have always been a bit... elastic, but she was basically a reasonable person. Can't stand her now.
Yeah her going bad all reads pretty damn flimsy. I think it was a case of copying DC to either fuck with them or because it sounded good to them too. Either way, I doubt she has the brains and ruthlessness to ever last as a crime boss. And no, I swear I'm not being sexist, just realistic.
What's the expiration date on the "Thunderbolt' Code" anyways since neither is on the team since it pretty much disbanded, with Frank quttin the team first. or is it like the NWO, 4 life?;)
Either I've inadvertently placed the story in earlier continuity; or "Thunderbolt Code" will always be used when dicking over a former teammate...
Ooh The last one! Most definitely. The mileage you can get from this new deus ex machina is endless.
Happy accident or intentional genius? You decide true believer;)
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